
TechHub Bucharest: 2 Years Later

It’s 2 years now since we’ve embarked together on this amazing journey with a clear purpose in mind: to build a stronger local tech community and help startups grow faster & better. It’s this common objective that guided every single step on our way and here we are, 2 years and 165+ events later, having brought 270+ speakers & mentors in front of our audience of more than 6500 people, with 80+ resident members that work on a daily basis from the co-working space at TechHub Bucharest.


Wanted: TechHub Bucharest Community Manager

We’re looking for an enthusiastic, talented, friendly and dynamic person to join our team as TechHub Bucharest Community Manager. The role combines event management, marketing activities & partnership relationship management and it’s a very important one, so we expect you to be amazing.


MIT Tech Review's 2015 predictions for breakthrough tech

What's the amazing stuff coming up in the next few years? Quite a lot if we're to believe the MIT Technology Review's list of the top ten tech breakthroughs they expect to see in the next few years. From car-to-car communication, to Apple Pay and the internet of DNA, there's some fascinating stuff we have to look forward to. We live in the future...


Want your company to be a global Rocketship? Apply now!

The Great Tech Rocketships initiative launched today from TechHub Bangalore, with a global call for ideas and submissions from entrepreneurs who want to change the world. This is a programme to seek out impressive emerging companies and ideas from around India and around the world that have the potential to be fast growing "Rocketships" - companies with a global outlook from the beginning. The initiative is a collaboration between TechHub and UKTI with support from iSPIRT. Further support is also being provided by panelists from various world-leading organisations including the UK’s Met Office.


Startup operations and growth explored at TechChill Baltics on Feb 10

Startup operations and growth come under scrutiny at this year’s TechChill Baltics, conference hosted by our friends from TechHub Riga on February 10th in Riga, Latvia. The event will gather more than 400 business professionals, startups, tech enthusiasts and students from all around the region.


TechHub Bucharest in 2014: year in a nutshell

78 events bringing on stage over 150 guest speakers sharing their knowledge and insight to more than 3500 participants… 950+ media mentions with a viewership of over 1 million people… 66 resident members working on building tech products with disruptive potential at global scale… A vibrant, ever-growing community exchanging ideas and best practices… All these completed by a small team committed to making it happen. This is TechHub Bucharest in 2014 in a nutshell.